- My name is Kevan Bracewell
- I am only a visitor on earth for a very short time
- I take responsibility for my environment and to leave it better than I found it
- I believe that I have the ability to do this,
- Therefore I do!
- In spite of having nocapacity – i.e. no education, no money, no time, no skills, no knowledge
- when I see the animals leave their habitat when there is too many roads, I take responsibility to fix it to the best of my ability, I talk to loggers about deactivating roads
- when I see that Destination B.C.’s marketing plans do not take into account the carrying capacity of the resources, I hold them accountable to the best of my ability and get carrying capacity put into their mandate
- when I see recreation sites and trails wanting to develop 300 km of trails into motorized roads in the Bridge River Valley, I hold them accountable on not following proper process
- when I see 5000 Mountain bikers running wild in the South Chilcotin Mountain Parks, I go to Parks and say “where is your management plan?”, when they do not have one, I write one for them
- when I see motorcycles hill climbing in big-horn sheep habitat, displacing the big-horn sheep from their home range, on the Shulaps Mountains, I go to The Ministry of Environment and lobby for motorized vehicle closure in the alpine
- when I see there is chaos and a free for all in the back Country with no land planning, responsibility or leadership, I take responsibility to fix it to the best of my ability
Here are the links to my initiative where we assembled two land plans, using government sanctioned research, studies, policy, procedures, regulation, etc.